

Hayhooks is a web application you can use to serve Haystack pipelines through HTTP endpoints. This page provides an overview of the main features of Hayhooks.


Hayhooks GitHub

You can find the code and an in-depth explanation of the features in the Hayhooks GitHub repository.


Hayhooks simplifies the deployment of Haystack pipelines as REST APIs. It allows you to:

  • Expose Haystack pipelines as HTTP endpoints, including OpenAI-compatible chat endpoints,
  • Customize logic while keeping minimal boilerplate,
  • Deploy pipelines quickly and efficiently.


Install Hayhooks using pip:

pip install hayhooks

The hayhooks package ships both the server and the client component, and the client is capable of starting the server. From a shell, start the server with:

$ hayhooks run
INFO:     Started server process [44782]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on <http://localhost:1416> (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Check Status

From a different shell, you can query the status of the server with:

$ hayhooks status
Hayhooks server is up and running.


Hayhooks can be configured in three ways:

  1. Using an .env file in the project root.
  2. Passing environment variables when running the command.
  3. Using command-line arguments with hayhooks run.

Environment Variables

HAYHOOKS_HOSTHost address for the server
HAYHOOKS_PORTPort for the server
HAYHOOKS_PIPELINES_DIRDirectory containing pipelines
HAYHOOKS_ROOT_PATHRoot path of the server
HAYHOOKS_ADDITIONAL_PYTHONPATHAdditional Python paths to include
HAYHOOKS_DISABLE_SSLDisable SSL verification (boolean)
HAYHOOKS_SHOW_TRACEBACKSShow error tracebacks (boolean)

CORS Settings

HAYHOOKS_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINSList of allowed origins (default: [*])
HAYHOOKS_CORS_ALLOW_METHODSList of allowed HTTP methods (default: [*])
HAYHOOKS_CORS_ALLOW_HEADERSList of allowed headers (default: [*])
HAYHOOKS_CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALSAllow credentials (default: false)
HAYHOOKS_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN_REGEXRegex pattern for allowed origins (default: null)
HAYHOOKS_CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERSHeaders to expose in response (default: [])
HAYHOOKS_CORS_MAX_AGEMax age for preflight responses (default: 600)

Running Hayhooks

To start the server:

hayhooks run

This will launch Hayhooks at HAYHOOKS_HOST:HAYHOOKS_PORT.

Deploying a Pipeline


  1. Prepare a pipeline definition (.yml file) and a file.

  2. Deploy the pipeline:

    hayhooks pipeline deploy-files -n my_pipeline my_pipeline_dir
  3. Access the pipeline at {pipeline_name}/run endpoint.

Pipeline Wrapper

A PipelineWrapper class is required to wrap the pipeline:

from pathlib import Path
from haystack import Pipeline
from hayhooks import BasePipelineWrapper

class PipelineWrapper(BasePipelineWrapper):
    def setup(self) -> None:
        pipeline_yaml = (Path(__file__).parent / "pipeline.yml").read_text()
        self.pipeline = Pipeline.loads(pipeline_yaml)

    def run_api(self, input_text: str) -> str:
        result ={"input": {"text": input_text}})
        return result["output"]["text"]

File Uploads

Hayhooks enables handling file uploads in your pipeline wrapper’s run_api method by including files: Optional[List[UploadFile]] = None as an argument.

def run_api(self, files: Optional[List[UploadFile]] = None) -> str:
    if files and len(files) > 0:
        filenames = [f.filename for f in files if f.filename is not None]
        file_contents = [ for f in files]
        return f"Received files: {', '.join(filenames)}"
    return "No files received"

Hayhooks automatically processes uploaded files and passes them to the run_api method when present. The HTTP request must be a multipart/form-data request.

Combining Files and Parameters

Hayhooks also supports handling both files and additional parameters in the same request by including them as arguments in run_api:

def run_api(self, files: Optional[List[UploadFile]] = None, additional_param: str = "default") -> str:

Running Pipelines from the CLI

With JSON-Compatible Parameters

You can execute a pipeline through the command line using the hayhooks pipeline run command. Internally, this triggers the run_api method of the pipeline wrapper, passing parameters as a JSON payload.

This method is ideal for testing deployed pipelines from the CLI without writing additional code.

hayhooks pipeline run <pipeline_name> --param 'question="Is this recipe vegan?"'

With File Uploads

To execute a pipeline that requires a file input, use a multipart/form-data request. You can submit both files and parameters in the same request.

Ensure the deployed pipeline supports file handling.

# Upload a directory
hayhooks pipeline run <pipeline_name> --dir files_to_index

# Upload a single file
hayhooks pipeline run <pipeline_name> --file file.pdf

# Upload multiple files
hayhooks pipeline run <pipeline_name> --dir files_to_index --file file1.pdf --file file2.pdf

# Upload a file with an additional parameter
hayhooks pipeline run <pipeline_name> --file file.pdf --param 'question="Is this recipe vegan?"'

OpenAI Compatibility

Hayhooks supports OpenAI-compatible endpoints through the run_chat_completion method.

from hayhooks import BasePipelineWrapper, get_last_user_message

class PipelineWrapper(BasePipelineWrapper):
    def run_chat_completion(self, model: str, messages: list, body: dict):
        question = get_last_user_message(messages)
        return{"query": question})

Streaming Responses

Hayhooks provides a streaming_generator utility to stream pipeline output to the client:

from hayhooks import streaming_generator

def run_chat_completion(self, model: str, messages: list, body: dict):
    question = get_last_user_message(messages)
    return streaming_generator(pipeline=self.pipeline, pipeline_run_args={"query": question})

Running Programmatically

Hayhooks can be embedded in a FastAPI application:

import uvicorn
from hayhooks.settings import settings
from fastapi import Request
from hayhooks import create_app

# Create the Hayhooks app
hayhooks = create_app()

# Add a custom route
async def custom_route():
    return {"message": "Hi, this is a custom route!"}

# Add a custom middleware
async def custom_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
    response = await call_next(request)
    response.headers["X-Custom-Header"] = "custom-header-value"
    return response

if __name__ == "__main__":"app:hayhooks",, port=settings.port)