

Component to join strings from different components into a list of strings.

Most common position in a pipelineAfter at least two other components to join their strings
Mandatory run variables“strings”: Multiple strings from connected components.
Output variables“strings”: A list of merged strings
API referenceJoiners
GitHub link


The StringJoiner component collects multiple string outputs from various pipeline components and combines them into a single list. This is useful when you need to merge several strings from different parts of a pipeline into a unified output.


from haystack.components.joiners import StringJoiner
from import PromptBuilder
from haystack.core.pipeline import Pipeline
from import OpenAIChatGenerator
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage

string_1 = "What's Natural Language Processing?"
string_2 = "What is life?"

pipeline = Pipeline()
pipeline.add_component("prompt_builder_1", PromptBuilder("Builder 1: {{query}}"))
pipeline.add_component("prompt_builder_2", PromptBuilder("Builder 2: {{query}}"))
pipeline.add_component("string_joiner", StringJoiner())

pipeline.connect("prompt_builder_1.prompt", "string_joiner.strings")
pipeline.connect("prompt_builder_2.prompt", "string_joiner.strings")

print({"prompt_builder_1": {"query": string_1}, "prompt_builder_2": {"query": string_2}}))

>> {"string_joiner": {"strings": ["Builder 1: What's Natural Language Processing?", "Builder 2: What is life?"]}}