

Use the PreProcessors to preprare your data normalize white spaces, remove headers and footers, clean empty lines in your Documents, or split them into smaller pieces. PreProcessors are useful in an indexing pipeline to prepare your files for search.

CSVDocumentCleanerCleans CSV documents by removing empty rows and columns while preserving specific ignored rows and columns.
CSVDocumentSplitterDivides CSV documents into smaller sub-tables based on empty rows and columns.
DocumentCleanerRemoves extra whitespaces, empty lines, specified substrings, regexes, page headers, and footers from documents.
DocumentSplitterSplits a list of text documents into a list of text documents with shorter texts.
RecursiveSplitterSplits text into smaller chunks, it does so by recursively applying a list of separators
to the text, applied in the order they are provided.
TextCleanerRemoves regexes, punctuation, and numbers, as well as converts text to lowercase. Useful to clean up text data before evaluation.

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