

The Shaper component is best described as PromptNode's helper. It makes it possible to use the full potential of PromptNode and integrate it with Haystack.

InputDepends on the function used
OutputDepends on the function used


To initialize the Shaper, specify the function to use for modifying your variables. In this example, the node takes the value query, and creates a list that contains this value as many times as it takes to match the length of the documents list. This list is passed down the pipeline under the key questions.

from haystack.nodes import Shaper

mapper = Shaper(
        - name: mapper
          type: Shaper
            func: expand_value_to_list
                value: query
                target_list: documents
                - questions


When initializing Shaper, you specify the function you want it to invoke. The supported functions are:

  • rename
    Renames values without changing them.

    - name: shaper
      type: Shaper
        func: rename
          value: query
        output: [question]
  • current_datetime
    Outputs the current time and/or date.

      - name: shaper
        type: Shaper
          func: current_datetime
            format: "%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%y"
            - date_time
  • value_to_list
    Changes a value into a list. The value is repeated in the list to match the length of the list. For example, if you set the list length to five, the value is repeated in this list five times.

    - name:QuestionsShaper 
        type: Shaper
          func: value_to_list 
            value: query
            - questions
            target_list: [5]
  • join_lists
    Joins multiple lists into a single list.

  • join_strings
    Takes a list of strings and changes it into a list that contains a single string. The new list contains all the original strings separated by the specified delimiter.

  • join_documents
    Takes a list of documents and changes it into a list containing a single document. The new list contains all the original documents separated by the specified delimiter. You can use the pattern parameter to control how each document is represented.

  • join_documents_and_scores
    Takes a list of documents containing scores in their metadata and changes them into a list containing a single document. The resulting document contains both the content of the original

  • format_string
    Replaces values in a string.

  • format_document
    Changes a document into a string. You can control how the document is represented using the pattern parameter.

  • format_answer
    Changes an answer into a single string. You can control how the answer is represented using the pattern parameter.

  • join_documents_to_string
    Takes a list of documents and changes them into a single string. The resulting string is the joined results of all original documents separated by the delimiter you specify. You can control how each document is represented using the pattern parameter.

  • string_to_answer
    Transforms a string into an answer. You can populate the answer's document IDs by extracting document references from the string.

  • parse_references
    Parses an answer string for document references and returns the document ids of the referenced documents.

  • answers_to_strings
    Extracts the content field of Answers and returns a list of strings.

  • strings_to_documents
    Changes a list of strings into a list of documents.

  • documents_to_strings
    Extracts the content field of each document you pass to it and puts it in a list of strings. Each item in this list is the content of the content field of one document.

In a pipeline, after performing a function, Shaper passes the new or modified values further down the pipeline.