API Reference

Various connectors to integrate with external services.

Module openapi_service


A component which connects the Haystack framework to OpenAPI services.

The OpenAPIServiceConnector component connects the Haystack framework to OpenAPI services, enabling it to call operations as defined in the OpenAPI specification of the service.

It integrates with ChatMessage dataclass, where the payload in messages is used to determine the method to be called and the parameters to be passed. The message payload should be an OpenAI JSON formatted function calling string consisting of the method name and the parameters to be passed to the method. The method name and parameters are then used to invoke the method on the OpenAPI service. The response from the service is returned as a ChatMessage.

Before using this component, users usually resolve service endpoint parameters with a help of OpenAPIServiceToFunctions component.

The example below demonstrates how to use the OpenAPIServiceConnector to invoke a method on a https://serper.dev/ service specified via OpenAPI specification.

Note, however, that OpenAPIServiceConnector is usually not meant to be used directly, but rather as part of a pipeline that includes the OpenAPIServiceToFunctions component and an OpenAIChatGenerator component using LLM with the function calling capabilities. In the example below we use the function calling payload directly, but in a real-world scenario, the function calling payload would usually be generated by the OpenAIChatGenerator component.

Usage example:

import json
import requests

from haystack.components.connectors import OpenAPIServiceConnector
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage

fc_payload = [{'function': {'arguments': '{"q": "Why was Sam Altman ousted from OpenAI?"}', 'name': 'search'},
               'id': 'call_PmEBYvZ7mGrQP5PUASA5m9wO', 'type': 'function'}]

serper_token = <your_serper_dev_token>
serperdev_openapi_spec = json.loads(requests.get("https://bit.ly/serper_dev_spec").text)
service_connector = OpenAPIServiceConnector()
result = service_connector.run(messages=[ChatMessage.from_assistant(json.dumps(fc_payload))],
                               service_openapi_spec=serperdev_openapi_spec, service_credentials=serper_token)

>> {'service_response': [ChatMessage(content='{"searchParameters": {"q": "Why was Sam Altman ousted from OpenAI?",
>> "type": "search", "engine": "google"}, "answerBox": {"snippet": "Concerns over AI safety and OpenAI's role
>> in protecting were at the center of Altman's brief ouster from the company."...


def __init__(ssl_verify: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None)

Initializes the OpenAPIServiceConnector instance


  • ssl_verify: Decide if to use SSL verification to the requests or not, in case a string is passed, will be used as the CA.


@component.output_types(service_response=Dict[str, Any])
def run(
    messages: List[ChatMessage],
    service_openapi_spec: Dict[str, Any],
    service_credentials: Optional[Union[dict, str]] = None
) -> Dict[str, List[ChatMessage]]

Processes a list of chat messages to invoke a method on an OpenAPI service.

It parses the last message in the list, expecting it to contain tool calls.


  • messages: A list of ChatMessage objects containing the messages to be processed. The last message should contain the tool calls.
  • service_openapi_spec: The OpenAPI JSON specification object of the service to be invoked. All the refs should already be resolved.
  • service_credentials: The credentials to be used for authentication with the service. Currently, only the http and apiKey OpenAPI security schemes are supported.


  • ValueError: If the last message is not from the assistant or if it does not contain tool calls.


A dictionary with the following keys:

  • service_response: a list of ChatMessage objects, each containing the response from the service. The response is in JSON format, and the content attribute of the ChatMessage contains the JSON string.


def to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serializes the component to a dictionary.


Dictionary with serialized data.


def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "OpenAPIServiceConnector"

Deserializes the component from a dictionary.


  • data: The dictionary to deserialize from.


The deserialized component.

Module openapi


OpenAPIConnector enables direct invocation of REST endpoints defined in an OpenAPI specification.

The OpenAPIConnector serves as a bridge between Haystack pipelines and any REST API that follows the OpenAPI(formerly Swagger) specification. It dynamically interprets the API specification and provides an interface for executing API operations. It is usually invoked by passing input arguments to it from a Haystack pipeline run method or by other components in a pipeline that pass input arguments to this component.


from haystack.utils import Secret
from haystack.components.connectors.openapi import OpenAPIConnector

connector = OpenAPIConnector(
    service_kwargs={"config_factory": my_custom_config_factory}
response = connector.run(
    parameters={"q": "Who was Nikola Tesla?"}


  • The parameters argument is required for this component.
  • The service_kwargs argument is optional, it can be used to pass additional options to the OpenAPIClient.


def __init__(openapi_spec: str,
             credentials: Optional[Secret] = None,
             service_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

Initialize the OpenAPIConnector with a specification and optional credentials.


  • openapi_spec: URL, file path, or raw string of the OpenAPI specification
  • credentials: Optional API key or credentials for the service wrapped in a Secret
  • service_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to OpenAPIClient.from_spec() For example, you can pass a custom config_factory or other configuration options.


def to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serialize this component to a dictionary.


def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "OpenAPIConnector"

Deserialize this component from a dictionary.


@component.output_types(response=Dict[str, Any])
def run(operation_id: str,
        arguments: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]

Invokes a REST endpoint specified in the OpenAPI specification.


  • operation_id: The operationId from the OpenAPI spec to invoke
  • parameters: Optional parameters for the endpoint (query, path, or body parameters)


Dictionary containing the service response