API Reference

Weights & Bias integration for Haystack

Module haystack_integrations.components.connectors.weave_connector


Collects traces from your pipeline and sends them to Weights & Biases.

Add this component to your pipeline to integrate with the Weights & Biases Weave framework for tracing and monitoring your pipeline components.

Note that you need to have the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable set to your Weights & Biases API key.

NOTE: If you don't have a Weights & Biases account it will interactively ask you to set one and your input will then be stored in ~/.netrc

In addition, you need to set the HAYSTACK_CONTENT_TRACING_ENABLED environment variable to true in order to enable Haystack tracing in your pipeline.

To use this connector simply add it to your pipeline without any connections, and it will automatically start sending traces to Weights & Biases.


import os

from haystack import Pipeline
from haystack.components.builders import ChatPromptBuilder
from haystack.components.generators.chat import OpenAIChatGenerator
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage

from haystack_integrations.components.connectors import WeaveConnector


pipe = Pipeline()
pipe.add_component("prompt_builder", ChatPromptBuilder())
pipe.add_component("llm", OpenAIChatGenerator(model="gpt-3.5-turbo"))
pipe.connect("prompt_builder.prompt", "llm.messages")

connector = WeaveConnector(pipeline_name="test_pipeline")
pipe.add_component("weave", connector)

messages = [
        "Always respond in German even if some input data is in other languages."
    ChatMessage.from_user("Tell me about {{location}}"),

response = pipe.run(
        "prompt_builder": {
            "template_variables": {"location": "Berlin"},
            "template": messages,

You should then head to https://wandb.ai/<user_name>/projects and see the complete trace for your pipeline under the pipeline name you specified, when creating the WeaveConnector


def __init__(pipeline_name: str) -> None

Initialize WeaveConnector.


  • pipeline_name: The name of the pipeline you want to trace.


def warm_up() -> None

Initialize the WeaveTracer.


def to_dict() -> dict[str, Any]

Serializes the component to a dictionary.


Dictionary with all the necessary information to recreate this component.


def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> "WeaveConnector"

Deserializes the component from a dictionary.


  • data: Dictionary to deserialize from.


Deserialized component.

Module haystack_integrations.tracing.weave.tracer


A bridge between Haystack's Span interface and Weave's Call object.

Stores metadata about a component execution and its inputs and outputs, and manages the attributes/tags that describe the operation.


def set_tag(key: str, value: Any) -> None

Set a tag by adding it to the call's inputs.


  • key: The tag key.
  • value: The tag value.


def raw_span() -> Any

Access to the underlying Weave Call object.


def get_correlation_data_for_logs() -> dict[str, Any]

Correlation data for logging.


Implements a Haystack's Tracer to make an interface with Weights and Bias Weave.

It's responsible for creating and managing Weave calls, and for converting Haystack spans to Weave spans. It creates spans for each Haystack component run.


def __init__(project_name: str) -> None

Initialize the WeaveTracer.


  • project_name: The name of the project to trace, this is will be the name appearing in Weave project.


def current_span() -> Optional[Span]

Get the current active span.


def trace(operation_name: str,
          tags: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
          parent_span: Optional[WeaveSpan] = None) -> Iterator[WeaveSpan]

A context manager that creates and manages spans for tracking operations in Weights & Biases Weave.

It has two main workflows:

A) For regular operations (operation_name != "haystack.component.run"): Creates a Weave Call immediately Creates a WeaveSpan with this call Sets any provided tags Yields the span for use in the with block When the block ends, updates the call with pipeline output data

B) For component runs (operation_name == "haystack.component.run"): Creates a WeaveSpan WITHOUT a call initially (deferred creation) Sets any provided tags Yields the span for use in the with block Creates the actual Weave Call only at the end, when all component information is available Updates the call with component output data

This distinction is important because Weave's calls can't be updated once created, but the content tags are only set on the Span at a later stage. To get the inputs on call creation, we need to create the call after we yield the span.