API Reference

Langfuse integration for Haystack

Module haystack_integrations.components.connectors.langfuse.langfuse_connector


LangfuseConnector connects Haystack LLM framework with Langfuse in order to enable the tracing of operations and data flow within various components of a pipeline.

Simply add this component to your pipeline, but do not connect it to any other component. The LangfuseConnector will automatically trace the operations and data flow within the pipeline.

Note that you need to set the LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY and LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY environment variables in order to use this component. The LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY and LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY are the secret and public keys provided by Langfuse. You can get these keys by signing up for an account on the Langfuse website.

In addition, you need to set the HAYSTACK_CONTENT_TRACING_ENABLED environment variable to true in order to enable Haystack tracing in your pipeline.

Lastly, you may disable flushing the data after each component by setting the HAYSTACK_LANGFUSE_ENFORCE_FLUSH environent variable to false. By default, the data is flushed after each component and blocks the thread until the data is sent to Langfuse. Caution: Disabling this feature may result in data loss if the program crashes before the data is sent to Langfuse. Make sure you will call langfuse.flush() explicitly before the program exits. E.g. by using tracer.actual_tracer.flush():

from haystack.tracing import tracer

    # your code here

or in FastAPI by defining a shutdown event handler:

from haystack.tracing import tracer

# ...

async def shutdown_event():

Here is an example of how to use it:

import os


from haystack import Pipeline
from haystack.components.builders import ChatPromptBuilder
from haystack.components.generators.chat import OpenAIChatGenerator
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage
from haystack_integrations.components.connectors.langfuse import (

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pipe = Pipeline()
    pipe.add_component("tracer", LangfuseConnector("Chat example"))
    pipe.add_component("prompt_builder", ChatPromptBuilder())
    pipe.add_component("llm", OpenAIChatGenerator(model="gpt-3.5-turbo"))

    pipe.connect("prompt_builder.prompt", "llm.messages")

    messages = [
            "Always respond in German even if some input data is in other languages."
        ChatMessage.from_user("Tell me about {{location}}"),

    response = pipe.run(
            "prompt_builder": {
                "template_variables": {"location": "Berlin"},
                "template": messages,

For advanced use cases, you can also customize how spans are created and processed by providing a custom SpanHandler. This allows you to add custom metrics, set warning levels, or attach additional metadata to your Langfuse traces:

from haystack_integrations.tracing.langfuse import DefaultSpanHandler, LangfuseSpan
from typing import Optional

class CustomSpanHandler(DefaultSpanHandler):

    def handle(self, span: LangfuseSpan, component_type: Optional[str]) -> None:
        # Custom span handling logic, customize Langfuse spans however it fits you
        # see DefaultSpanHandler for how we create and process spans by default

connector = LangfuseConnector(span_handler=CustomSpanHandler())


def __init__(name: str,
             public: bool = False,
             public_key: Optional[Secret] = Secret.from_env_var(
             secret_key: Optional[Secret] = Secret.from_env_var(
             httpx_client: Optional[httpx.Client] = None,
             span_handler: Optional[SpanHandler] = None)

Initialize the LangfuseConnector component.


  • name: The name of the pipeline or component. This name will be used to identify the tracing run on the Langfuse dashboard.
  • public: Whether the tracing data should be public or private. If set to True, the tracing data will be publicly accessible to anyone with the tracing URL. If set to False, the tracing data will be private and only accessible to the Langfuse account owner. The default is False.
  • public_key: The Langfuse public key. Defaults to reading from LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable.
  • secret_key: The Langfuse secret key. Defaults to reading from LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY environment variable.
  • httpx_client: Optional custom httpx.Client instance to use for Langfuse API calls. Note that when deserializing a pipeline from YAML, any custom client is discarded and Langfuse will create its own default client, since HTTPX clients cannot be serialized.
  • span_handler: Optional custom handler for processing spans. If None, uses DefaultSpanHandler. The span handler controls how spans are created and processed, allowing customization of span types based on component types and additional processing after spans are yielded. See SpanHandler class for details on implementing custom handlers.


@component.output_types(name=str, trace_url=str)
def run(invocation_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

Runs the LangfuseConnector component.


  • invocation_context: A dictionary with additional context for the invocation. This parameter is useful when users want to mark this particular invocation with additional information, e.g. a run id from their own execution framework, user id, etc. These key-value pairs are then visible in the Langfuse traces.


A dictionary with the following keys:

  • name: The name of the tracing component.
  • trace_url: The URL to the tracing data.


def to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serialize this component to a dictionary.


The serialized component as a dictionary.


def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "LangfuseConnector"

Deserialize this component from a dictionary.


  • data: The dictionary representation of this component.


The deserialized component instance.

Module haystack_integrations.tracing.langfuse.tracer


Internal class representing a bridge between the Haystack span tracing API and Langfuse.


def __init__(span: LangfuseStatefulClient) -> None

Initialize a LangfuseSpan instance.


  • span: The span instance managed by Langfuse.


def set_tag(key: str, value: Any) -> None

Set a generic tag for this span.


  • key: The tag key.
  • value: The tag value.


def set_content_tag(key: str, value: Any) -> None

Set a content-specific tag for this span.


  • key: The content tag key.
  • value: The content tag value.


def raw_span() -> LangfuseStatefulClient

Return the underlying span instance.


The Langfuse span instance.


Context for creating spans in Langfuse.

Encapsulates the information needed to create and configure a span in Langfuse tracing. Used by SpanHandler to determine the span type (trace, generation, or default) and its configuration.


  • name: The name of the span to create. For components, this is typically the component name.
  • operation_name: The operation being traced (e.g. "haystack.pipeline.run"). Used to determine if a new trace should be created without warning.
  • component_type: The type of component creating the span (e.g. "OpenAIChatGenerator"). Can be used to determine the type of span to create.
  • tags: Additional metadata to attach to the span. Contains component input/output data and other trace information.
  • parent_span: The parent span if this is a child span. If None, a new trace will be created.
  • trace_name: The name to use for the trace when creating a parent span. Defaults to "Haystack".
  • public: Whether traces should be publicly accessible. Defaults to False.


def __post_init__() -> None

Validate the span context attributes.


  • ValueError: If name, operation_name or trace_name are empty
  • TypeError: If tags is not a dictionary


Abstract base class for customizing how Langfuse spans are created and processed.

This class defines two key extension points:

  1. create_span: Controls what type of span to create (default or generation)
  2. handle: Processes the span after component execution (adding metadata, metrics, etc.)

To implement a custom handler:

  • Extend this class or DefaultSpanHandler
  • Override create_span and handle methods. It is more common to override handle.
  • Pass your handler to LangfuseConnector init method


def init_tracer(tracer: langfuse.Langfuse) -> None

Initialize with Langfuse tracer. Called internally by LangfuseTracer.


  • tracer: The Langfuse client instance to use for creating spans


def create_span(context: SpanContext) -> LangfuseSpan

Create a span of appropriate type based on the context.

This method determines what kind of span to create:

  • A new trace if there's no parent span
  • A generation span for LLM components
  • A default span for other components


  • context: The context containing all information needed to create the span


A new LangfuseSpan instance configured according to the context


def handle(span: LangfuseSpan, component_type: Optional[str]) -> None

Process a span after component execution by attaching metadata and metrics.

This method is called after the component yields its span, allowing you to:

  • Extract and attach token usage statistics
  • Add model information
  • Record timing data (e.g., time-to-first-token)
  • Set log levels for quality monitoring
  • Add custom metrics and observations


  • span: The span that was yielded by the component
  • component_type: The type of component that created the span, used to determine what metadata to extract and how to process it


DefaultSpanHandler provides the default Langfuse tracing behavior for Haystack.


Internal class representing a bridge between the Haystack tracer and Langfuse.


def __init__(tracer: langfuse.Langfuse,
             name: str = "Haystack",
             public: bool = False,
             span_handler: Optional[SpanHandler] = None) -> None

Initialize a LangfuseTracer instance.


  • tracer: The Langfuse tracer instance.
  • name: The name of the pipeline or component. This name will be used to identify the tracing run on the Langfuse dashboard.
  • public: Whether the tracing data should be public or private. If set to True, the tracing data will be publicly accessible to anyone with the tracing URL. If set to False, the tracing data will be private and only accessible to the Langfuse account owner.
  • span_handler: Custom handler for processing spans. If None, uses DefaultSpanHandler.


def current_span() -> Optional[Span]

Return the current active span.


The current span if available, else None.


def get_trace_url() -> str

Return the URL to the tracing data.


The URL to the tracing data.