

Hayhooks is a web application you can use to serve Haystack pipelines through HTTP endpoints.


Install the Package

Start by installing the Hayhooks package:

pip install hayhooks

The hayhooks package ships both the server and the client component, and the client is capable of starting the server. From a shell, start the server with:

$ hayhooks run
INFO:     Started server process [44782]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on http://localhost:1416 (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Check Status

From a different shell, you can query the status of the server with:

$ hayhooks status
Hayhooks server is up and running.

Deploy a Pipeline

Time to deploy a Haystack pipeline. The pipeline must be in YAML format as the output of pipeline.dump(). If you don't have one at hand, you can use one from Hayhooks repository. From the root of the repo:

$ hayhooks deploy tests/test_files/test_pipeline_01.yml
Pipeline successfully deployed with name: test_pipeline_01

Another call to status should confirm your pipeline is ready to serve requests:

$ hayhooks status
Hayhooks server is up and running.

Pipelines deployed:
- test_pipeline_01

API Schema

Hayhooks will use introspection to set up the OpenAPI schema according to the inputs and outputs of your pipeline. To see how this works, let's get the pipeline diagram with:

$ curl http://localhost:1416/draw/test_pipeline_01 --output test_pipeline_01.png

The downloaded image should look like this:

This is a diagram representing the workflow of a Haystack Pipeline named test_pipeline_01. It begins with an input of type int named value, which is required to start the Pipeline. Optionally, another input of type int named add can be passed. After processing these inputs, the Pipeline returns an output of type int named result.

As you can see, in order to start, the pipeline requires an input of type int named value, and, optionally, we can pass another input of type int named add. At the end of the run, the pipeline will return an output of type int named result.

If you open a browser at http://localhost:1416/docs#/, you should see two schemas. The first one is for the Request, where we'll pass the pipeline inputs (note how add is optional):

        value* integer
        add (integer | null)

Another one is for the Response, where we'll receive the pipeline results:

        value* integer

Run the Pipeline

At this point, knowing the schema we can run our pipeline with an HTTP client:

$ curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:1416/test_pipeline_01' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "first_addition": {
    "value": 19


Undeploy the Pipeline

Hayhooks attempts to do as much bookkeeping as possible without restarting the server. For example, to free up resources, you can undeploy the pipeline directly from the client:

$ hayhooks undeploy test_pipeline_01
Pipeline successfully undeployed

Docker setup

Instead of launching the server in a separate shell like we did in the Quickstart above, you can run it in a Docker container :

$ docker run --rm -p 1416:1416 deepset/hayhooks:main

If you want to build the container yourself:

$ cd docker
$ docker buildx bake