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API Reference

Chroma integration for Haystack

Module haystack_integrations.components.retrievers.chroma.retriever


A component for retrieving documents from a Chroma database using the query API.

Example usage:

from haystack import Pipeline
from haystack.components.converters import TextFileToDocument
from haystack.components.writers import DocumentWriter

from haystack_integrations.document_stores.chroma import ChromaDocumentStore
from haystack_integrations.components.retrievers.chroma import ChromaQueryTextRetriever

file_paths = ...

# Chroma is used in-memory so we use the same instances in the two pipelines below
document_store = ChromaDocumentStore()

indexing = Pipeline()
indexing.add_component("converter", TextFileToDocument())
indexing.add_component("writer", DocumentWriter(document_store))
indexing.connect("converter", "writer"){"converter": {"sources": file_paths}})

querying = Pipeline()
querying.add_component("retriever", ChromaQueryTextRetriever(document_store))
results ={"retriever": {"query": "Variable declarations", "top_k": 3}})

for d in results["retriever"]["documents"]:
    print(d.meta, d.score)


def __init__(document_store: ChromaDocumentStore,
             filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
             top_k: int = 10,
             filter_policy: Union[str, FilterPolicy] = FilterPolicy.REPLACE)


  • document_store: an instance of ChromaDocumentStore.
  • filters: filters to narrow down the search space.
  • top_k: the maximum number of documents to retrieve.
  • filter_policy: Policy to determine how filters are applied.

def run(query: str,
        filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        top_k: Optional[int] = None)

Run the retriever on the given input data.


  • query: The input data for the retriever. In this case, a plain-text query.
  • filters: Filters applied to the retrieved Documents. The way runtime filters are applied depends on the filter_policy chosen at retriever initialization. See init method docstring for more details.
  • top_k: The maximum number of documents to retrieve. If not specified, the default value from the constructor is used.


  • ValueError: If the specified document store is not found or is not a MemoryDocumentStore instance.


A dictionary with the following keys:

  • documents: List of documents returned by the search engine.


def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "ChromaQueryTextRetriever"

Deserializes the component from a dictionary.


  • data: Dictionary to deserialize from.


Deserialized component.


def to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serializes the component to a dictionary.


Dictionary with serialized data.


A component for retrieving documents from a Chroma database using embeddings.

def run(query_embedding: List[float],
        filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        top_k: Optional[int] = None)

Run the retriever on the given input data.


  • query_embedding: the query embeddings.
  • filters: Filters applied to the retrieved Documents. The way runtime filters are applied depends on the filter_policy chosen at retriever initialization. See init method docstring for more details.
  • top_k: the maximum number of documents to retrieve. If not specified, the default value from the constructor is used.


a dictionary with the following keys:

  • documents: List of documents returned by the search engine.

Module haystack_integrations.document_stores.chroma.document_store


A document store using Chroma as the backend.

We use the collection.get API to implement the document store protocol, the API will be used in the retriever instead.


def __init__(collection_name: str = "documents",
             embedding_function: str = "default",
             persist_path: Optional[str] = None,
             distance_function: Literal["l2", "cosine", "ip"] = "l2",
             metadata: Optional[dict] = None,

Initializes the store. The init constructor is not part of the Store Protocol

and the signature can be customized to your needs. For example, parameters needed to set up a database client would be passed to this method.

Note: for the component to be part of a serializable pipeline, the init parameters must be serializable, reason why we use a registry to configure the embedding function passing a string.


  • collection_name: the name of the collection to use in the database.
  • embedding_function: the name of the embedding function to use to embed the query
  • persist_path: where to store the database. If None, the database will be in-memory.
  • distance_function: The distance metric for the embedding space.
  • "l2" computes the Euclidean (straight-line) distance between vectors, where smaller scores indicate more similarity.
  • "cosine" computes the cosine similarity between vectors, with higher scores indicating greater similarity.
  • "ip" stands for inner product, where higher scores indicate greater similarity between vectors. Note: distance_function can only be set during the creation of a collection. To change the distance metric of an existing collection, consider cloning the collection.
  • metadata: a dictionary of chromadb collection parameters passed directly to chromadb's client method create_collection. If it contains the key "hnsw:space", the value will take precedence over the distance_function parameter above.
  • embedding_function_params: additional parameters to pass to the embedding function.


def count_documents() -> int

Returns how many documents are present in the document store.


how many documents are present in the document store.


def filter_documents(
        filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[Document]

Returns the documents that match the filters provided.

Filters are defined as nested dictionaries. The keys of the dictionaries can be a logical operator ("$and", "$or", "$not"), a comparison operator ("$eq", $ne, "$in", $nin, "$gt", "$gte", "$lt", "$lte") or a metadata field name.

Logical operator keys take a dictionary of metadata field names and/or logical operators as value. Metadata field names take a dictionary of comparison operators as value. Comparison operator keys take a single value or (in case of "$in") a list of values as value. If no logical operator is provided, "$and" is used as default operation. If no comparison operator is provided, "$eq" (or "$in" if the comparison value is a list) is used as default operation.


filters = {
    "$and": {
        "type": {"$eq": "article"},
        "date": {"$gte": "2015-01-01", "$lt": "2021-01-01"},
        "rating": {"$gte": 3},
        "$or": {
            "genre": {"$in": ["economy", "politics"]},
            "publisher": {"$eq": "nytimes"}
# or simpler using default operators
filters = {
    "type": "article",
    "date": {"$gte": "2015-01-01", "$lt": "2021-01-01"},
    "rating": {"$gte": 3},
    "$or": {
        "genre": ["economy", "politics"],
        "publisher": "nytimes"

To use the same logical operator multiple times on the same level, logical operators can take a list of dictionaries as value.


filters = {
    "$or": [
            "$and": {
                "Type": "News Paper",
                "Date": {
                    "$lt": "2019-01-01"
            "$and": {
                "Type": "Blog Post",
                "Date": {
                    "$gte": "2019-01-01"


  • filters: the filters to apply to the document list.


a list of Documents that match the given filters.


def write_documents(documents: List[Document],
                    policy: DuplicatePolicy = DuplicatePolicy.FAIL) -> int

Writes (or overwrites) documents into the store.


  • documents: A list of documents to write into the document store.
  • policy: Not supported at the moment.


  • ValueError: When input is not valid.


The number of documents written


def delete_documents(document_ids: List[str]) -> None

Deletes all documents with a matching document_ids from the document store.


  • document_ids: the object_ids to delete

def search(queries: List[str],
           top_k: int,
           filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[List[Document]]

Search the documents in the store using the provided text queries.


  • queries: the list of queries to search for.
  • top_k: top_k documents to return for each query.
  • filters: a dictionary of filters to apply to the search. Accepts filters in haystack format.


matching documents for each query.


def search_embeddings(
        query_embeddings: List[List[float]],
        top_k: int,
        filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[List[Document]]

Perform vector search on the stored document, pass the embeddings of the queries instead of their text.


  • query_embeddings: a list of embeddings to use as queries.
  • top_k: the maximum number of documents to retrieve.
  • filters: a dictionary of filters to apply to the search. Accepts filters in haystack format.


a list of lists of documents that match the given filters.


def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "ChromaDocumentStore"

Deserializes the component from a dictionary.


  • data: Dictionary to deserialize from.


Deserialized component.


def to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serializes the component to a dictionary.


Dictionary with serialized data.

Module haystack_integrations.document_stores.chroma.errors


Parent class for all ChromaDocumentStore exceptions.


Raised when a filter is not valid for a ChromaDocumentStore.


Raised when a configuration is not valid for a ChromaDocumentStore.

Module haystack_integrations.document_stores.chroma.utils


def get_embedding_function(function_name: str, **kwargs) -> EmbeddingFunction

Load an embedding function by name.


  • function_name: the name of the embedding function.
  • kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the embedding function.


  • ChromaDocumentStoreConfigError: if the function name is invalid.


the loaded embedding function.